Our first-time community live show wonderful review

9 min readSep 16, 2019


PIZZA team, Starteos, Token Pocket and IMEOS held a live sharing event on 10th September at 20:00pm. As the first live show, the lecturer from PIZZA team shared a lot of important information and ideas about this project, which makes the co-host Starteos can’t wait to share the wonderful moments with you.

Lecturer info.

Guan: Majored in Actuarial Science, a leader and start-up member of PIZZA project. Main responsibility is model building, products coordinating and marketing operation.

Shi Xiu: Product manager.

Event review

Hello everyone, I’m Guan from PIZZA team. It’s my great pleasure to introduce PIZZA to you before the live show starts. PIZZA is a decentralized financial project based on EOS platform. So far, the main product of this porjetc is USDE, an on-chain over-collateralized stable coin.

You can visit www.pizza.live and log in with Scatter, or log in Starteos wallet App and find PIZZA-USDE in its DApp section.

Now let’s start the Q & A process.

Q1. Why are there so many similar stable coin projects, do we really need it and what does it mean to the market?

In the first place, we need stable coin, no doubt. On the other hand, users and project founders who reside in different countries and areas or hold different believes and ideas, could definitely create various definitions and demands to a stable coin project. There are population and there will be variations. We are in a position that no one knows what the real answer is. We do need more stable coin projects to discover different possibilities in their own niches. It could be marketing efforts or general education to average users, or it also be an effort to establish a more comprehensive compliance framework. The compliance framework will not only improve the acceptance of block chain by the general public, but also provide experiences for future block chain projects and reduce the trial-and-error cost for future research.

A good analogy will be that we are in a war and there is solid defensive line in front of us. So what we need to do here is to breach the line at different points, and we need much more attackers to follow the team that breach the line, so we can crash it eventually. It is no doubt that Bitcoin was the very first attacker from the blockchain world that successfully created a breach point for all the followers, and then we have BitShare that created the idea of on-chain over-collateralized stable coin, and we have MakerDAO that follows BitShare, and now we have all the other over collateralized stable coins and DEFI projects. Actually, rather than consider all those stable coin projects as independent competitors that fight for the scarce resources, it’s more proper to see them as comrade — in — arms that share the same combat will.

Q2. What are the differences between PIZZA project and other on-chain collateralized stable coin projects?

If we compare PIZZA with MakerDAO, we will see that the main differences are derived from the differences between ETH and EOS. From users’ point of view, EOS is faster. MakerDAO has made great improvements such as xDai to increase transfer speed and lower the fee rate, however, EOS is still more smooth and user friendly. And in EOS we have things like REX. Most people consider REX as a DEFI paradigm on EOS, but I personally prefer to see it a tool provided by Blockone to help all the EOS DEFI projects to create positive cash flow on EOS collateral, smooth the delegated voting process, etc. And that is why we launched the REX Progressive Deposit Plan. At last, they have different community bases. The projects based on Ethereum already had a broad community and user base, while there is still a long way to go for EOS-based projects, we see an event greater responsibility for PIZZA to pick up with. And talking from the team’s perspective, what we can do now is to continuously observe, adjust, and then provide more updates and iterations on the products. Currently, the PIZZA team is developing several functional modules simultaneously, mainly focusing on improving customers engagement and token liquidity, and these modules will be gradually put into operation in the next 6 months.

Actually, there is no big differences between other EOS-based stable coins at the moment. However, it is worth mentioning that we airdropped 1% of the total amount of PIZZA to the whole EOS community on 1st June, and additionally we set a PIZZA collateralization rewards for early participants. Later we will make more attempts to increase the value flow within the system.

Q3. Why is the PIZZA Reward switched from collateral based to USDE based?

It’s because we are moving forward to next development stage of the system, and that creates different demands. At the very beginning, we hope to attract more users and EOS collateral to this system, so the PIZZA rewards was simply based on the amount of collateralized EOS from users. Later, we completed the airdrop, optimized the reward system and the liquidation system, and users already build up a basic understanding on how the system works, we we decide to move to next stage, try to create some more realistic collateralization entertainments. Actually, it is one way to educate users when the PIZZA rewards changed to be basing on the USDE issued. Because when users hope to use limited EOS to generate more USDE, they need to care about the expected gains, to find out what’s the best collateralization ratio and how to manage their positions. This process of user education is essential for the future expansion of the system.

Q4. The functions of PIZZA and USDE?

As the governance and utility token in the system, the integration and promotion of various modules in this system depend more or less on PIZZA token to create the flow of value. And USDE is a stable coin that 1:1 pegged to US dollar, the main reasons for most users to generate USDE in the past few months are:

  1. To obtain the PIZZA reward.

2. Participate the financial product released by Starteos to get the 12% APR.

3. Participate in the force liquidation auction and buy EOS collateral at a lower price.

Collateral generation: https://pizza.live/generate

USDE financial project: Starteos wallet

Force Auction link: https://pizza.live/bid

Force Liquidation Mechanism: https://pizza.live/about/liquidation

In the future, USDE will continue to focus on store of value and media of exchange, the main topic is how to enhance the EOS to USDE trading pair. For example, there may be EOS/USDE flash exchange integrated on the PIZZA website, or directly associated with the decentralized exchange, or improve the fiat money entrance of USDE. The system is running smoothly at the moment, it’s a good timing to move things to next level.

Q5. What makes you think that now is a good timing? What’s your visions to the direction and future of the industry?

Timing, on one hand, refers to the way the system is running well, the development of the team, etc. On the other hand, refers to our confidence about the general environment. When the overall sentiment of the industry is low, it’s really hard to promise a good profit for the 3rd party participants such as market makers. However, with the fact that Bitcoin halving is coming next year, and more and more central banks are forced to choose negative interest rate, also technology advances are causing greater gaps between different groups of people globally, now we are more convinced that Bitcoin and cryptocurrency world will embrace a more bright future than it was in 2017. PIZZA project is so small that barely could be noticed just now, but we believe this is a chance that we can make the world a better place. When Mr. Li Ang, the founder of Starteos, decided to incubate this project, he said, “we all know that it will be difficult, but remember we are the constructor of this industry, not just average participants.” That’s it.

Q6. PIZZA did not open source, what do you think about decentralization and open source? How do you make users believe that their assets are safe?

It’s in part of our plan to build and operate an active open source community, but now for now. Our priority is to make sure the project has a nice foundation. The foundation has to be efficient enough for the future expansion. There has to be basic governance model. The good news is we already have a nice plan on this, let’s expect to see it in the beginning of next year. Talking about security and credibility, first of all, there are PIZZA token contract, USDE token contract, system collateralization contract, force liquidation contract and some other EOS addresses working as the middle account during transactions. We made system verification flow chart for these contracts and account addresses, all the on-chain information could be checked from the flow chart, as it’s directly connected to blockchain explorer. Besides, the core decisions such as contract upgrades, fund transactions in important addresses are managed with multisig by core members in different cities. Last but not the least, we also cooperate with third-party security teams to ensure the security and credibility of the system. Such as Slowmist Technology, EOSAuthority, etc.

Q7. Will you moon the token?

It depends on how you define moon the token.

If you mean hit and run, we don’t think it’s going to be profitable enough and it’s too embarrassing to do such thing.

And if you mean hype the price with marketing skills and market operations, technically we are not experts on that.

So, here is what we plan to do, there are several modules that we are developing to create positive cash flow for the system. Most of the profits of the system will be returned to the community in the form of PIZZA buybacks.

So, when you ask when will we moon the token, it depends on the actual growth of the system profit surplus.

The team itself has high expectations for the profitability and self-functioning of the system in the future, but to develop a sizable user group will still rely on the overall environment.

Let’s say, flowers in 2020 and fruits in 2021.

Q8. Will USDE be in other public chains in the future? Or will USDE be a full ecological stable coin?

We have these kinds of expectations and USDE itself has various possibilities; the diversification of collateral is definitely essential for the system. But currently, we are focusing on EOS related exploration and development. Focus is the key at the current stage.

Q9. Will USDE fluctuate like USDT in the future?

In fact, in terms of historical price data alone, USDT is very successful as a stable coin. The good liquidity of USDT does a good job of covering the potential risks of opacity and effectively helping the USDT to peg to its target. Although all the USDE is transparent, and the credibility will increase as the development of system and especially after opening the sources, however, there is still a long way to go for USDE. Improve models, liquidity, etc. But will USDE fluctuate as much as the USDT, the answer is simple:

Yes, it will. The price of a stable coin doesn’t have to be fixed.

Q10. It seems the logic of USDT and USDE are reversed, do you have some ideas about this?

So there is the thing. There are professional market makers that will collateralize EOS and generate USDE. Average users can just buy USDE from them or any other markets. In this way, there don’t seem to have too many differences between USDT and USDE.

Our first-time community live show ended at 21:00.

The high-energy output from the lecturer within one short hour not only let us deeply understand the PIZZA-SUDE project, but also made us understood the situation of the whole industry comprehensively and profoundly. Meanwhile, during this event we have also learned something about the development of the PIZZA team, including improvement of users’ engagement, token liquidity, focusing more on value storage and community governance, etc.

Looking forward the following development of PIZZA-USDE project, and also wish the project can develop as what Guan said: 2020 we start, and in 2021, we created a bright future.

2019年9月10日20:00,PIZZA团队联合Starteos、Token Pocket以及IMEOS共同举办了一期线上直播分享活动。作为线上直播首秀,PIZZA团队嘉宾主讲人的持续高能输出,让作为联合举办方之一的Starteos迫不及待的想要跟你分享昨天的精彩瞬间。

分 享 嘉 宾

官某: 精算专业,PIZZA项目初创成员与产品负责人,负责模型搭建,协调产品与市场运营进度。

时休: 产品负责人

精 彩 瞬 间 回 顾


“Starteos”钱包App重磅首发PIZZA - USDE稳定币



我认为诸多稳定币项目的出现,有效推进了整个产业的规范化发展。所以更多的项目实际上也意味着更全面的合规框架的建立。这大大提高了大众对区块链的接受度,也为以后的区块链项目提供宝贵经验,降低试错成本。我们说两军打仗,最重要的是打开一个突破口,这样后续部队才能从这个突破口鱼贯而入。比特币是区块链世界里的第一个突破者,然后有了像BITSHARE这样的项目。随着时间发展, BITSHARE又为MakerDAO打开了突破口,再后来MakerDAO又为其他质押型稳定币以及形形色色的DEFI项目打开突破口。所以与其把这批“同质的稳定币项目”看作竞争者,不如看成有着相同革命意志、共克时艰的战友。



和其他 EOS上的稳定币上的区别的话,大家其实区别并不大,值得一提的可能就是我们6月1日时向EOS全网空投了PIZZA总量的1%,另外还设置了一个 PIZZA质押奖励作为对早期参与者的回馈。之后我们也会针对系统内的价值流动做更多的尝试。






























关于质押EOS生成USDE未来更多的是面向职业的做市商或者资深参与者,普通用户可以单纯地通过币币交易或者法币交易来获得 USDE。



在这短暂的一小时中,PIZZA团队主讲人官某的持续高能输出,不仅让我们对PIZZA - USDE项目有了更深了解,也对整个行业态势建立了更全面深刻的认知。


期待PIZZA - USDE项目的后续发展,也祝愿PIZZA - USDE项目能像今天的嘉宾官某所言:2020 拨云见日,2021 大展宏图。

Generate your USDE here: https://pizza.live/generate

Website: https://pizza.live/

E-mail: team@pizza.live

Telegram: https://t.me/PizzaUSDE

Twitter: https://twitter.com/usdeos

Medium: https://medium.com/@PIZZA.USDE





PIZZA.FINANCE — An EOS based programmable financial gateway

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