Intro — PIZZA Vote System

PIZZA vote system is a secondary voting proxy of DFS delegated voting system, it gives each PIZZA holder the voting powers to decide PIZZA votes on DFS voting system.

4 min readNov 20, 2020
PIZZA Vote System

Recently, the Qiuhe project of DFS really brings focus from community, it consists of 3 different function: delegated voting, donation and mining. What it aims is to create self-reform of EOS ecology to make EOS great again!

And the DFS delegated voting system, is the one we gonna talk about, to introduce you our PIZZA vote system.

DFS Vote

What is DFS delegated voting system?

It is an enhanced version of EOS node voting delegation system.

EOS holders delegate the voting powers of EOS to the voting proxy account of DFS, to obtain mining qualifications and mining weights corresponding to the number of delegated votes.

DFS holders, according to the DFS Vote voting interface, a referendum decides which nodes the DFS voting proxy account will vote for.

Some of DFS tokens flow to other platforms by user’s daily operation, such as exchanges, lending platform…If tokens on these platforms are deposited into DSS system(DFS Bank), then they are same with the voting powers.

Currently, the total amount of DFS tokens are less than 10K on exchanges that listed DFS token, while the amount on PIZZALEND — the decentralize lending developed by PIZZA, quite a lot.

DFS lending status on PIZZALEND at article publish time

And no long before, PIZZA just connected to the DSS system, auto deposit those DFS tokens that lenders deposited on PIZZALEND and activated as collateral to obtain DSS earnings for lenders. Thus these DSS deposited DFS tokens have voting powers.

From the DSS interface, we can see that PIZZA is the top 1 DFS holders who deposited 77,423 DFS tokens, which means that PIZZA holds a major voting power to BPs as well as to mining pools in the DFS voting system.

DFS Bank

You may think that PIZZA will feather its nest. It’s NOT!

Instead, PIZZA developed a Vote System which benefits all PIZZA holders! PIZZA holders will decide PIZZA’s voting powers on DFS to vote for BPs and mining pools. It means that “PIZZA holders will decide DFS how to vote, and DFS will decide EOS how to vote”. PIZZA holders become the secondary proxy electoral college.

Honest to say, it’s a new and meaningful try!

PIZZA Vote System

PIZZA Vote Rule

DFS gives different voting weights based on liquidity providing or DSS deposit, and PIZZA has the same voting design.

  • Each “PIZZA+EOS” LP Token= 10 Voting Powers
  • Each PIZZA Token = 1 Voting Power

LP token includes DFS( and BOX( two platforms. DFS LP token will map directly, and BOX LP token will need to deposit into PIZZALEND and activate as collateral to have the vote right. PIZZA tokens that deposited in PIZZALEND have the same right.

And different from DFS voting system, in PIZZA vote system each one has 3 votes in maximum. And finally PIZZA will vote for top 5 BPs in DFS system according to the ranking.

PIZZA Vote Rule

How to participate in PIZZA vote?

  1. Search “PIZZA” on your mobile wallet app(Starteos, TP, MyKey, Wombat…) and open the DApp, navigate to [Vote] interface; If you are using PC browser, visit and connect to your desktop wallet.
  2. Select 1–3 nodes and/or pools you want to vote, then click [Vote].

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